

50 年来,我们一直在通过我们全方位的知识产权精品服务,为各大国际知名企业的知识产权提供可靠的保护。我们这支由德国专利律师,欧洲专利律师,欧洲商标和设计律师, 统一专利法庭注册律师,德国法律律师组成的经验丰富而高效的团队,以个性化的服务以及对客户需求的关注确保我们在各地区和法律领域都能取得长期和可持续的成就。我们为每位客户都配备了一名主管律师,久经考验的品质和尖端的数字化流程确保您的理念在全球都可取得成功。




个人的主观能动性和积极的全方位服务将我们打造成为问题的解决者。最充分的认可:我们的长期客户委托我们的年限已超过了 20 年。











从 UPC 的角度来看权利要求的解释、陈述责任和事实证明 – UPC_CoA_335/2023

UPC 的首批裁决已经下达,了解 UPC 在广泛讨论的权利要求解释、事实陈述和举证责任以及创造性考虑等问题上的立场将是令人兴奋的。

自 2024 年 4 月 1 日起,欧洲专利局将提高部分费用

自 2024 年 4 月 1 日起,欧洲专利局将提高大部分费用,平均增幅约为 5%。第 3 次和第 4 次续费的涨幅将更大,将上涨近 30%。

Comparison of opposition proceedings at the EPO and revocation actions at the UPC – advantages and disadvantages

Since the introduction of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in June 2023, a new system for central attacking the validity of and thereby to nullify a European Patent has been introduced. If a European patent of concern is an EU Unitary Patent, or if a classically validated European patent was not opted out from the competence of the UPC, a central revocation action under the UPC now exists in parallel to an opposition before the European Patent Office (EPO). Therefore, the question arises: what are the pros and cons of challenging the validity either before the EPO or before the UPC? The present report provides some guidance and discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of each system – which eventually is a matter of strategic considerations whether and which advantage may prevail – be it costs, timing, speed of proceedings, and possibly other issues.

52 years of consistency and still fit for the future – Prüfer und Partner welcomes the next generation of partners

With Dr. Susanne Sonnenhauser and Dr. Christian Gärtner, two very experienced colleagues from the Prüfer und Partner team are joining the management.

Recent earthquake in Japan

We were deeply shocked to learn of the devastating earthquake in Japan and would like to express our sincere condolences to the victims of this earthquake. In these difficult times, we would like to express our deepest sympathy to you and your fellow human beings.

Abolition of the 10-day notification fiction at the European Patent Office

In view of the digital age, in which documents will only be served electronically in the future, the European Patent Office will abolish its so-called 10-day fiction of service, which previously governed the calculation of time limits, as of November 1, 2023.

Dorothea Hofer 博士获得欧洲专利诉讼证书

我们很荣幸的向您告知,我们的管理合伙人多Dorothea Hofer 博士获得了由马斯特里赫特大学(University of Maastricht)与特里尔欧洲法学院(the Academy of European Law 缩写ERA)合作颁发的欧洲专利诉讼证书。该证书包括统一专利法院(#UPC)基础法律和欧洲法律相关领域的广泛实践和理论培训,使她为在统一专利法院的所有诉讼中代表客户做好了充分准备。

Chances and Risks of the New European Unitary Patentand New Unified Patent Court – Part 3

Opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office (EPO) are an attractive forum for challenging patents; the procedure is virtually unrivaled worldwide in terms of value for money. The process is simple, streamlined and relatively inexpensive. The practice is well tested. However, there are restrictions and drawbacks – for example, a deadline of nine months after the grant date for submission, the long duration of the opposition and appeal proceedings, and strict rules for admitting evidence submitted late.

Chances and Risks of the New European Unitary Patentand New Unified Patent Court – Part 2

During a seven-years transition phase, the jurisdiction of the future Unified Patent Court (UPC) can be declared inapplicable, by way of an opt-out request by the IP right holder, to a pending European patent application (“EP application”), to a granted European patent (“EP”), or to a supplementary protection certificate (“SPC”). This possibility was introduced to build confidence by users on the long run. If opted-out, disputes will then continue to be handled by national courts on a country-by-country basis. Once a European patent has been opted out, it is excluded from the jurisdiction of the UPC for its entire life.

Chances and Risks of the New European Unitary Patentand New Unified Patent Court – Part 1

June 1, 2023 marks the beginning of a new era in European patent law: the new European Unitary Patent system entered into force, consisting of the Unitary Patent (UP) and the Unified Patent Court (UPC). 50 years after the introduction of the European Patent Convention and millions of European patents filed, this may be the most prominent change in European patent practice. The Unitary Patent adds as a third pillar to the classical European patents and the national patents. The Unified Patent Court will have an influence on both the unitary patent and the classical European patents as a modern and efficient litigation system.