Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys.,
Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
Registered Representative before the Unified Patent Court
Dr. Christian Einsel has been working at Prüfer & Partner since 2006.
He trained as a patent attorney in Munich, is a European Patent Attorney and has already worked as a development engineer for production control systems at Siemens AG (Semiconductor Group), and Infineon Technologies AG.
After his doctorate at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, he was employed as a research assistant at ARI (Center for Astronomy, University of Heidelberg).
He studied geophysics/physics at the Georg-August University Göttingen.
German, English, Japanese (basic knowledge)
Einsel et al., “Chemically consistent evolution of galaxies: broad band colours and Mg2”, Astronomy & Astrophysics 296 (1995), p. 347
Einsel et al., “Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems – I. Pre-collapse, equal-mass system”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astron. Society 302 (1999), p. 81
Kim et al., “Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems – II. Post-collapse, equal-mass system”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astron. Society 334 (2002), p.310
Chamber of Patent Attorneys
epi – European Patent Institute
GRUR – German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright
DJJV – German-Japanese Association of Jurists
Examination Commission of Patent Attorneys (2009-2015)
Board of Trustees of the Aid Foundation of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys