Even the longest way begins with the first step.

Christoph Jaeckel

(Cooperation Partner)

+49 89 69 39 21-0jaeckel@pruefer.eu

Professional career path

Christoph Jaeckel has been working as a freelance lawyer since March 2021 and supports Prüfer & Partner as a cooperation partner, in particular for intellectual property rights related to China . Before that, he first worked for a law firm specialized in trademark law in Berlin and later worked for six years in the area of trademark law and patent law in Shanghai, China. He studied law at the Free University of Berlin and completed his legal traineeship at Kammergericht Berlin.

German, English, Chinese

Specialst areas of activity


  • Filing and enforcement of trademarks
  • Advising on IP strategy (filing and enforcement) in China
  • Managing the enforcement of IP cases for German clients in China
  • Advising Chinese companies on all IP matters when entering the German market and when it comes to enforcing their IP in Germany.


  • Trademark law
  • Patent law

Publications and memberships

Publications and memberships

“Modeschutz – Gewerbliche Schutzrechte für Modeneuheiten und Modeunternehmen” Christoph Jaeckel, presentation, 13 October 2010, Hamburg,

“Strategie-Frage, Schutz des Designs vor Nachahmungen”, Christoph Jaeckel, China Contact 2009, p. 43-44,

“Rechtsschutz gegen unberechtigte Schutzrechtsverwarnungen”, Christoph Jaeckel (co-author), MarkenR 2008, p. 365-378,

“Die bösgläubige Markenanmeldung”, Christoph Jaeckel (co-author), MarkenR 2008, p. 296-309.

“Schutz geistigen Eigentums, geheim halten oder aktiv patentieren?” Christoph Jaeckel, ChinaContact 09/10 2019 S. 22-23

“Schneller Schutz mit Gebrauchsmustern” Christoph Jaeckel ChinaContact 11/12 2019 S. 44-46


DAV – German Bar Association
DCJV – German Chinese Lawyers Association
ECTA – European Communities Trade Mark Association
GRUR – German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Chamber of Attorneys-at-Law Munich