Curiosity and attentiveness are the foundation of all knowledge and progress

Markus Adamczyk

European and German Patent Attorney,
European Trademark and Design Attorney
Patent Attorney/Attorney-at-law
Registered Representative before the Unified Patent Court
Registered Representative before the Austrian Patent Office

+49 89 69 39 21-0adamczyk@pruefer.eu

Professional career

Markus Adamczyk has been a partner at Prüfer & Partner since 2009 and has been working there as a legal and patent attorney.
Prior to that, he worked for Mannesmann Pilotentwicklung/Vodafone Group R&D.
After studying law at the LMU Munich, he passed his legal internship at the Bavarian Higher Regional Court. In addition, he completed a computer science course with a minor in mechanical engineering.

German (mother tongue), English, French (basic knowledge)

Specialist areas of activity


  • Patent infringement proceedings before regional court of Mannheim, Higher Regional Court Karlsruhe, Regional Court/Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf, Regional Court Munich I, Higher Regional Court Munich
  • Nullity proceedings and cancellation proceedings before the German Patent Office (DPMA), the German Federal Patent Court (BPatG), and the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH)
  • Filing, opposition and appeal proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office and the European Patent Office.
  • Infringement reports


  • computer-implemented inventions (software development, data bases, data network technology, cryptography and security systems, audio and video coding, search engines, user interfaces)
  • automotive technology (air-conditioning/compressors, exhaust systems, engine and system control, brake systems, airbags, chassis, sensors)
  • measurement and process technology (weighing systems, bulk transport, packaging)
  • mechatronics, precision engineering (print systems)
  • mechanical engineering (machine tool control, manipulator management, cable/tube layout)

Publications and memberships


No publications


epi – European Patent Institute
Chamber of Patent Attorneys

I simply enjoy creatively putting new ideas into words.

Willibald Hiemer

Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Mechanical Engineering
Patent Professional

+49 89 69 39 21-0hiemer@pruefer.eu

Professional career

Willibald Hiemer has been working for Prüfer & Partner since 2008. Prior to that, he was employed in the medical technology industry as a representative for Regulatory Affairs and Patents at KREUZER GmbH + Co. oHG and TRUMPF Medizin Systeme GmbH + Co. KG. Willibald Hiemer also worked as a development engineer in the automotive supply industry at Webasto AG Fahrzeugtechnik and Webasto Karosseriesysteme GmbH.
He studied general mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich.

German, English

Specialist areas of activity


  • patent applications (including opposition and appeal proceedings) before the DPMA and the EPO
  • opposition proceedings against third party patents
  • FTO investigations


  • patent applications and issue procedures in the fields of:
    • medical technology
    • machine tools
    • automotive engineering
    • electrical equipment
    • general mechanical engineering

Publications and memberships


No publications


No memberships

Bringing patents to grant is more enthralling than any detective story.

Bernhard Scheuvens

Dipl.-Ing. Electrical Engineering
European Patent Attorney

+49 89 69 39 21-0scheuvens@pruefer.eu

Professional career

Bernhard Scheuvens has been working at Prüfer & Partner in intellectual property rights protection since 2002 and has been a European Patent Attorney since 2006.
Prior to that, he pursued a teaching career and was also involved in electronics development and documentation.
He studied electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University.

German, English, French, Italian, Spanish

Specialist areas of activity


  • Preparation of new applications and notices of opposition
  • Responding to office actions and oppositions
  • Oral proceedings

Patent granting, opposition and appeal proceedings in the fields of:

  • electrical engineering (in particular semiconductor technology and semiconductor circuits)
  • high frequency technology (circuits and components)
  • sensors and measurement technology
  • optoelectronics
  • medical technology
  • additive manufacturing processes
  • computer-related inventions

Publications and memberships

Publications and memberships

No publications


epi – European Patent Institute