Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys. (Univ.),
Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney,
European Trademark & Design Attorney
Registered Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC)
Registered Representative before the Austrian Patent Office
Dr. Dorothea Hofer has been with Prüfer & Partner since 1993 and has been a managing partner since 1998. She gained her Ph.D. in physics at the LMU Munich.
After studying physics at LMU Munich, she also worked for Siemens in the area of semiconductor physics.
German, English, French
D. Hofer et al., “Direct and multiple excitations in 96Zr from inelastic scattering experiments”, Nucl. Phys. A 551 (1993), 173-209
Hofer, D., Stocker, W., “A Dirac particle in a scalar potential depending on one spatial coordinate”, (1989), Phys. Lett. A, 138, 463-464
epi – European Patent Institute
AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Chamber of Patent Attorneys
VPP – Association of Intellectual Property Experts
GRUR – German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright
Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Mechanical Engineering, Master of Laws
Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney,
European Trademark & Design Attorney
Registered Representative before the Unified Patent Court
Registered Representative before the Austrian Patent Office
Jürgen Feldmeier has been a patent attorney since 1992 and has been the managing partner of Prüfer & Partner since 2001.
Prior to his training as a patent attorney, he gained practical experience at BMW Technik GmbH, Hurth and Convotherm.
He studied mechanical engineering with a focus on design and development at the TU Munich. He also acquired the Master of Laws (LL.M. European Intellectual Property).
German (mother tongue), English (business fluent), French (basic knowledge)
Technical knowledge and experience in the fields of:
“Protection and allowance for (industrial) intellectual property in European Community Law]
epi – European Patent Institute
Chamber of Patent Attorneys
AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
FICPI – International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys
INTA – International Trademark Association
EPLIT – European Patent Litigators Association
Marion Ziliox has been an attorney at Prüfer & Partner since 2011. Before that, she practised the profession at Bardehle Pagenberg in Munich and in a medium-sized patent law firm.
She studied law at the university of Freiburg i. Brsg.
German, French (second mother tongue), English, Spanish, good understanding of Italian
No publications
No memberships
(Cooperation Partner)
Christoph Jaeckel has been working as a freelance lawyer since March 2021 and supports Prüfer & Partner as a cooperation partner, in particular for intellectual property rights related to China . Before that, he first worked for a law firm specialized in trademark law in Berlin and later worked for six years in the area of trademark law and patent law in Shanghai, China. He studied law at the Free University of Berlin and completed his legal traineeship at Kammergericht Berlin.
German, English, Chinese
“Modeschutz – Gewerbliche Schutzrechte für Modeneuheiten und Modeunternehmen” Christoph Jaeckel, presentation, 13 October 2010, Hamburg,
“Strategie-Frage, Schutz des Designs vor Nachahmungen”, Christoph Jaeckel, China Contact 2009, p. 43-44,
“Rechtsschutz gegen unberechtigte Schutzrechtsverwarnungen”, Christoph Jaeckel (co-author), MarkenR 2008, p. 365-378,
“Die bösgläubige Markenanmeldung”, Christoph Jaeckel (co-author), MarkenR 2008, p. 296-309.
“Schutz geistigen Eigentums, geheim halten oder aktiv patentieren?” Christoph Jaeckel, ChinaContact 09/10 2019 S. 22-23
“Schneller Schutz mit Gebrauchsmustern” Christoph Jaeckel ChinaContact 11/12 2019 S. 44-46
DAV – German Bar Association
DCJV – German Chinese Lawyers Association
ECTA – European Communities Trade Mark Association
GRUR – German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Chamber of Attorneys-at-Law Munich
Dipl.-Phys. (Univ.), Master of Laws
Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney,
European Trademark & Design Attorney
Registered Representative before the Unified Patent Court
Alexander Lehmann has been working in intellectual property law since 1991, as a patent attorney since 1995 and as a partner at Prüfer & Partner since 2008. Before training to be a patent attorney, he gained practical experience in the automobile industry. He studied physics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and gained his Master of Laws (LL.M.) in European intellectual property law at the University of Hagen.
German (mother tongue), English (business fluent), French (basic knowledge)
No publications
Chamber of German Patent Attorneys
Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys
VPP – Association of Intellectual Property Experts
epi – European Patent Institute
FICPI – International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys
INTA – International Trademark Association