Medical technology

Along with digital communication, the area of medical technology is as before one of the forerunners when it is a question of innovation and intensity of research. The reason is: in medical technology market shares can only be effectively won and maintained via patented innovations. We would like to assist you in converting your inventions into genuine competitive advantages. In medical technology our mandatory approach of a relationship embracing the entire team is particularly important since specialist knowledge and experience from many technical disciplines frequently come together here. Our patent experts will therefore assist you with the filing, maintaining and enforcement of your property rights with a factual understanding embracing technology relative to medical technology. In detail our expertise comprises the following areas:

Our areas

  • Medical technology such as measuring equipment for medical applications, treatment devices, operation equipment, implants, equipment for clinics and medical practices
  • Optical equipment and medical products
  • Laboratory equipment
  • Operation equipment
  • Investigative equipment


Patentanwälte • Rechtsanwälte
Sohnckestrasse 12
D-81479 Munich

+49 89 69 39 210

Your expert team for the legal protection of industrial property rights

Side by side for the security and success of your intellectual property.

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Personal proximity and a proactive full service characterize us as solution finders. Good confirmation of this: our long-term mandates – on average over 20 years.

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