
As the foundation for products and services research and development in the field of physics plays a key role in new innovative products and requires corresponding protection through patents. The high degree of innovation of this research and development places particularly high requirements on the technical knowledge of an IP law firm. Prüfer & Partner can provide you with an expert term specially adapted to your needs. All our colleagues have first-class training as well as in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in your respective technical area, among others in these areas:

Our areas

  • Data and signal transmission
  • Semiconductor technologies
  • LCD, LED and OLED technology
  • Lithographic techniques
  • Cryptography
  • Microsystems technology
  • Optics and optical measurement techniques
  • Optoelectronics
  • Physical chemistry
  • Rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing
  • Sensor technology, IoT
  • Controls
  • Defence technology and protection systems


Patentanwälte • Rechtsanwälte
Sohnckestrasse 12
D-81479 Munich

+49 89 69 39 210

Your expert team for the legal protection of industrial property rights

Side by side for the security and success of your intellectual property.

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Personal proximity and a proactive full service characterize us as solution finders. Good confirmation of this: our long-term mandates – on average over 20 years.

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